Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Fake xmas trees

So while cruising the KATU website, I noticed a poll that said "What kind of christmas tree are you getting this year?" The choices were real, fake and no tree. 48% of respondents said a real tree, 32 said fake, and 20 said no tree at all. Ok the 20% not getting a tree we can assume don't celebrate christmas....can't argue with that. This means that of people getting trees this year, 40% are getting a phony tree. Call me old fashioned, but what the hell is wrong with people? A fake tree? And don't give me some crap about how it saves you money. A real tree costs ballpark $30-40 in Oregon. You're telling me you can't shell out that much once a YEAR? And you know those people using the "it's too expensive" claim have a V-cast cellphone, an I-pod and a 52 inch plasma in their apartment. Not an excuse.

If you're not using the money defense, I don't think you really have a defense. The Christmas tree hunt is one of my absolute favorite holiday traditions. You all go out in the rain and the cold and tromp around and find a tree that everyone likes. This usually takes 4 hours because nothing makes Grandpa happy, and unless you go the day after Thanksgiving, finding a tree with no dead spots or gaps is damn near impossible. Yet we do it every year, and everyone has a good time with it, you drink hot chocolate (or tequilla if you go with my dad and his friends) and come home to decorate it. Another big tradition. Half of those fake-ass trees come pre-decorated.

Christmas is not something that should be simplified. It should be as complex and intricate as possible. It's the one time of year when families put aside all their issues, come together and have a good time. Decorating the tree, cooking dinner, wrapping presents, shopping, etc should be done as much as possible, and with as many people as possible.

Nothing, I repeat nothing, about christmas should be fake or contrived.

Least of all the tree.

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