Friday, November 10, 2006

Days off....not always great

So I was pleasantly surprised to find out on Monday that today was Veterans Day, and as such we would not be working today. I thought it was a little strange, since the University held classes today. Why they're in session and we're off I don't know.

Having days off from class used to be awesome, because all your friends had the day off as well, so you could all go play. Except now, most of the people I know are still working today, like my wife for example. So she goes to work, and I'm home all day by myself doing diddly poo. Oh sure, I mowed the lawn and got the oil changed in the car, but really are those things you want to be doing on your "off " day? Not really. I've got the rest of the day to sit on my butt and be bored. It's like when you're sick and can't do anything. What good is a day off work if you can't take full advantage of it? One of my co-workers for example was all excited because she's taking monday off as well, turning her 3 day weekend into a four day festival. "So what are you going to do with that extra day?" I ask. "Well, I thought I'd come into work and introduce my boyfriend to everyone."

That's right....she's coming TO WORK on a day she asked NOT TO WORK. I just don't get it.

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