Monday, August 16, 2010

Sure is a Monday

I did the math this morning, and I figured out that over four years of my life have been Mondays.  No matter how many Mondays I have, I'm never prepared.  I invariably wake up late, forget something, or Monday pulls a Monday and ambushes me with something rough.  Today was no exception.

I woke up on time alright, but Jonah did not.  He had a rough time sleeping last night (he woke up numerous times and in a whiny voice announced that he was tired and went right back to sleep) and was extremely resistant to waking up.  He even went so far as to get out of bed, turn the light off, then march back to bed and get under his blanket.  I finally got him dressed, at which point he told me he didn't want to wear shoes.  I said that was fine and he could take them to daycare with him.  He then proceeded to get upset that I had put his milk in the wrong sippy cup (apparently I didn't get the official memo letting me know that he would be using his "Cars" sippy today and not his dinosaur one).  Once I got that situation corrected, it was off to the car and to daycare. 

About halfway there, I realize that I left Jonah's shoes sitting by the front door.  So he's Shoeless Jonah today.  Fortunately he's two, and shoes aren't an essential clothing item at this stage of his life.  Around the same time I realized this, Jonah starts crying.  I ask him what's wrong.

"I want Panda!" he says through the sobs.
I realize that we're about to drive by Panda Express.
"Really?  You want Panda Express for breakfast?"
"Yes Daddy!  I want Panda!"
"Jonah buddy, Panda's closed."
"No it's not, Daddy!"
"Jonah, yes it is.  They don't serve breakfast."
"Yes they do, Daddy!"
This continued all the way to daycare, where he refused to get out of his carseat.  Tomorrow I think we'll be stopping at Panda on the way so he can see that, in fact, they do not serve breakfast.

I was also irritated when I logged onto CNN and found that "Studies show that homesickness has nothing to do with your home or where you live, but more to do with feeling loved and safe."  So, you know, missing home.  Also found in the study were that while 8 and 18 year olds might have the same physiological reactions to homesickness, 18 year olds can cope with it better.  So infuriating.  Here's the link

In other news, I'm still on the Insanity program.  Rachel and I took our day off on Friday rather than Sunday, which meant working out yesterday.  My legs are starting to get used to the workout, and I don't walk like a ninety year old anymore.  I have more of that feeling where I can start to feel the burn by the time I get to the top of the stairs soreness than the 'someone is stabbing me in the quadricep with every step' pain.  In any event, the workout yesterday was the same one I wrote the blog about last week, and was much easier.  By easier, I mean I could almost do 3/4ths of the exercises, rather than half.  In discouraging news, the Wii informed me this morning that I've gained four pounds since starting Insanity.  Not sure how that's even possible.  I keep telling myself that it's all the extra water I've been drinking to stay hydrated, or that I've just started adding muscle mass, but who knows. 

We ended up at the beach this weekend in an attempt to beat the heat.  Worked wonderfully, as it was only about 58 degrees in Lincoln City.  During a walk on the beach Sunday, Rachel and I tried to teach Jonah his full name and city, in case he ever found himself separated from us.  We succeeded in the fact that if he's ever lost in a store or an event setting and they announce they found a kid on the P.A. system, we'll know it's our kid. 

Unfortunately, Jonah thinks his name is Jonah Buzz Lightyear Gazelle, from Sideswipe, Oregon. 

Maybe you could claim him for us.

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