Monday, April 26, 2010

I ain't as good as I once was

Last post, I was complaining about not hearing about the job I applied for.  Well, true to Confucious' saying "he who complains loudest gets what he wants," I heard less than a day later that I did, in fact, get the job.  I now know how kids from underpriviledged neighborhoods feel when they get a scholarship to college.  There seemed to be a general feeling around here that I had "made it out" of the finance side and "moved on up" to the development side.  People I never even say hi to at work sent me emails welcoming me.  One of our VPs even said "welcome aboard," as if I hadn't been working here for almost five years.  I'm going to be taken out to lunch twice in the next few weeks, once by the finance department to say goodbye, and once by the rest of the administrative assistants to say hello.  The one with the admins should be fun, since I will be the only (and maybe the first, I'm not sure) male admisitrative assistant.  Someone asked me if I thought it was going to be awkward doing something at traditionally has been a "woman's job."  I replied that I didn't have an issue with it as long as I was treated as an equal and received equal pay for equal work.  Andy Lasselle, turning gender equity on its head.  I'm excited about the idea of learning something new and actually looking forward to coming to work again.  How long that lasts remains to be seen. 

Saturday also marked a return to the basketball court for me.  Basketball is one thing that I truly enjoy, but life has been eroding away at my free-time like the Colorado River on the Grand Canyon.  If that sounds like a bad thing it isn't.....I mean, who would say that the Grand Canyon is a bad thing?  It's just that I have less time to hoop it up than I did all my friends have moved away.  Anyways, I got a chance to go play some pick-up games at Bally's in Wilsonville with Grant on Saturday.  Right away I could tell that, despite the fact that I've been running regularly, I was not in basketball shape.  I was able to hold my own for about the first half an hour, but the last hour and a half was a nightmare.  To say I lost a step would be an understatement.  I lost a whole flight of stairs.  Towards the end I was begging the guy I was guarding to pass the ball, because I knew that he was going to score on me every single time.  That was the first time I've ever felt that way.  Maybe the second, one time in seventh grade my team played a game against some kids from North Portland, and I swear at least one of them drove himself to the game.  We lost by about 95 points.  The Boys and Girls Club was not a positive place for kids that day.

So now 48 hours later, I'm still sore from my two hour stint on the basketball court.  The backs of my legs are sore from ankle to mid-buttcheek.  My back is stiff and I'm walking around like an old german shepherd.  I thought that running today might loosen me up a little bit.  It did, but only until I was done running.  Now I think I'm worse off than before.  Oh well, I think it was worth it.

Weight Loss Journal - Day 33
Weight Per Wii - 246 (-3)
The Good - Ran another 4.25 miles in the rain today despite still being sore from basketball. 
The Bad - Tried to eat healthy this weekend, but being away from home makes it tough.  Ended up eating at least one meal at a restaurant Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. 
The Ugly - Seriously, you should see how long it takes me to get out of my chair right now.  It's embarassing.

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