Friday, April 16, 2010

When the sun comes out, so does the crazy.

One of my favorite things about living in Oregon is this time of year.  The time of year when Mother Nature gives you little teases of summer every week or so before slapping you upside the head with another mean dose of winter.  Everyone is so sick of the gray skies and constant wind and rain that they go a little off the deep end as soon as the sun breaks free from behind the blanket of dark clouds for the first time. 

On the way home yesterday, I saw the following things:

Two fraternity guys playing something that looked a little like lawn bowling mixed with frisbee golf.  I'll call it ultimate bowling.  They were basically bowling giant croquet-type balls across uneven terrain with no real goal in sight.  It looked like it could either be incredibly fun or something you would never ever do unless you were either drunk or high.  Or both.

A guy on a mini-bike wearing a sombrero. 

Another guy sitting in a lawn chair with his shirt off, attempting to get a tan.  At 5:15  pm.  In Oregon.  In April.  Good luck buddy.  Let me know how that goes.

Two convertibles with their tops down.  Temperature outside: 62 degrees.  Reminded me of when I was a kid and would go to JR's beach house with him on weekends.  His dad was a convertible driver who had one rule: If the sun is out and there is no frost on the ground, he was dropping the top.  I don't know how many times we'd leave Portland in reasonable weather only to have the temperature drop twenty degrees as we made our way through the Cascades to the coast.  JR and his dad had the windshield and windows to buffer them from the cold, but poor me in the backseat was left to battle the elements. Of course I never remembered to bring a sweatshirt or anything.  At ten years old, you don't think about things like that.

A Tea-Party rally in downtown Corvallis.  Granted, it was tax day, so they probably would've been out there rain or shine.  My favorite was the lady that was sitting in a chair on a one way street so that her back was to oncoming traffic.  Unless your sign is written in crazy backwards language, I'm not going to be able to read it in my rearview mirror.  I'm all for a good protest, but let's be reasonable.  I'm not a huge fan of all the money the government is handing out right now either, but Obama is not a Dictator and all Democrats are not "turning America into a cess pool."  I did like the sign that said "Obama has spent all his CHANGE."  Witty, to the point, but not so over the top that the message is drowned out by absurdity. 

Weight Journal - Day 23
Weight per Wii - 247.5 (down 1.5 lbs, but still not enough to consder this a "weight loss" journal)
The Good:  Went running three days this week, and mixed in a two mile walk yesterday
The Bad: Broke down a bought a 32oz fountain drink at Safeway yesterday.  Not Diet.
The Ugly:  Safeway instituted the annoying policy of greeting you at the deli by saying "what brings you to the deli today?"  Food, maybe?  It's certainly not to see you, deli lady, with your emotionless face and "kill me now" body language.   

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