Thursday, March 25, 2010

Weight Loss Journal - Day 2

I actually got out of bed this morning and used the ol' Wii Fit Plus.  We got off on the wrong foot when my virtual trainer said "good morning Andy, do you know how much you weigh today?"  I guess this was some sort of exercise to show that being conscious of your weight can help you control it.  Instead it made me feel like wearing baggy clothes to hide my non-drinker's version of a beer gut.  We'll call it a "Pepsi Pouch."

It's amazing how even doing some yoga and light jogging in place on the Wii first thing in the morning can improve your energy for the rest of the day.  I didn't even need to drink my usual diet soda first thing when I got to work today, instead saving it for lunch like a normal person.  It's amazing how much better a lunch tastes when you have a drink to go with it.

Work has been amazingly slow today, which allowed me a chance to load almost all of my blog posts from 2005 into this thingy.  Probably would've gone faster if I hadn't read them as I entered them in.  After reading them, it's pretty obvious that I was nowhere near as witty as I thought I was.  I actually wanted to just delete most of them and pretend like they didn't happen.  I wonder if five years from now, I'll be back reading stuff I wrote in 2010 and going "wow, that is super lame."  I can't say that preserving this stuff is a complete waste of time though...just going back and reading them triggers the memories.  Even if my writing was terrible, the feelings I get looking back on those times are worth it.  Remembering what it felt like to graduate from college, get a "real" job, watch The O.C. with the neighbors, etc. is why I salvaged these posts.  I even found a hyperlink to the website Rachel and I set up after we got engaged.  Remembering how happy we were, and being able to read the guestbook with well wishes from family and friends was a happy surprise.  I'm definitely looking forward to getting home and looking at it with Rachel tonight.

Weight Per Wii: 250 lbs (+1)
The Good:  Actually got in 30 mins on the Wii Fit, burning 200 calories according to it
The Bad:  Still can't bring myself to get a Diet Pepsi out of the vending machine.  I have no problem drinking it at home, but if Regular Pepsi is an option, I will almost always take it.
The Ugly:  Let a little rain convince me to skip going for a jog at lunch today.  My lack of internal motivation is shocking even to me.