Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The rundown

Things that make me happy:

- being married

- having a job

- our new 50" DLP TV

- playing basketball

- Amazing amount of gifts received for our wedding

Things that make me grumpy:

- leaving my wedding ring on the counter this morning (10 days in and I'm already leaving the most important symbol of our marriage next to the soap dish....nice)

- Not having anything to do at work so I just sit here and try to look busy

- Finding out that DLP TV's are the worst Hi-Def TV's for video game play.....not that I'm going to give it back because I bought it for watching TV not playing video games, but still.

- Having to wait until 9 tonight to play basketball, and knowing that there's a 99% chance that Marcus will be our referee.

- Having so much money on gift cards that you don't know what to spend it on. Sure you could get a lot of little things that you want, like DVD's, shower caddy's, etc....but is that really in the spirit of what people gave you the gift card for? So then the money just sits there, and you feel like you should spend it, but there's nothing to spend it on, so here you sit with almost $1000 in gift card money burning a hole in your pocket.

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