Friday, October 21, 2005


Work's been a pain in my ass. Yesterday we had a meeting that lasted 2 freaking hours. Basically all our bosses and managers wanted to tell us what a great job we were doing. Then they went over how we're going to reorganize our workspace. Then someone started bitching about how the breakroom was being moved all the way to the other side of the building. It's not like we work at O'Hare Airport or even at Costco. It's not a big freakin building. But everyone starts bitching. Then it turns into "we need someone to buy us more microwaves....we only have 4." 4 microwaves! How is that not enough? Once they exhausted the microwave issue, the conversation turned to people wearing offensive perfumes. I was stunned. One lady went so far as to say that because of her asthma, anyone walking by her desk wearing a strong scent could cause her to have to go home, and then she won't be able to make a living! Are you kidding me? Once they couldn't argue about cologne and perfume, they started attacking the smokers. They demanded that management designate a smoking area. When told that there was a designated smoking area, they demanded that it be moved farther away from the door. What is it with these people?

I was disgusted with the cattiness of these women. Then something happened that got me all fired up, and I had to join in the bitching.

Apparently unlike the rest of the company and most of the free world, our department will not be getting December 26th off this year. That is, unless we can meet 150% of our goal for the year before that date. Not only is this bullshit, but I put in for time off from the 27-31st because I thought that we'd be getting that day off. Now I have to reapply for that monday off as well and hope that I also get approved for that day. Crap. But now, personal reason aside, let me present a few reasons this is the most fucked up thing ever.

* Why set a goal if you're not going to reward people unless they exceed it by 50%? Why not just make that the goal?

* That's nice that we have to set a goal for a year in less than year. Granted it's only 6 days, but say we end up at 149%? Are they going to cave and give us the day off? I doubt it.

* Our goal is a monetary goal. How exactly can we do anything as in patient accounts to bring in money? We can't send out more bills. We can't make people pay. No matter how fast I enter in the payments, I can only enter in what people pay. It's absolute bullshit. We're expected to meet a goal that we have no control over. I actually asked "as a data entry clerk, is there any way possible for me to help us reach this goal?" The answer was no. So why is it a goal? What incentive to I have to work hard? So fucked up. I'm absolutely irate at the way this department is run.

Anyone who knows anyone in Oregon had to be freaking out when they heard that the Powerball winner was from the state. Then I remembered the lottery rule: Only people who are already rich or who are complete backwoods yokels win the lottery. Lo and Behold, the winner hails from tiny Jacksonville, Oregon. Whoever won can now buy that entire town and rename it PowerBall.

To give you an idea of how much money $340 million is, I learned yesterday that Samaritan Health Services total net worth is $320 million. That includes all the hospitals, all the equipment....everything. You could buy an entire health care NETWORK, and still have enough money left over to get a football stadium named after you. That's some serious cheddar.

For my first post in a week and a half, I feel pretty good. I need to do this more often. Don't you agree? ;)

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