Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I've noticed over the past weeks, I've felt the seductive breath of the internet on the back of my neck much less. Perhaps it's because I spend 8 hours a day at a computer now. Coming home and hopping online sounds like going back to work to me. But, as it is my best, and in some cases, only means of communicating with some people, here I am, soldiering on.

Apparently disaster relief isn't going so well with Wilma. Is anyone really surprised at this point? I wonder if are these problems with all natural disasters and we just never hear about them because they happen on the other side of the world. When hurricane Andrew hit, or hurricane Charlie, did these long lines and lack of resources not happen? Is it just the fact that we've got national guard all over the world, there's been an unusually high number of disasters in the past 10 months, or what? Or is everyone just jumping on the "I'm not getting my way" bandwagon and bitching more? I wish I knew.

OSU is all up in arms about a perceived racial bias by the Barometer. In a story about the football team's actions on the wrong side of the law, pictures of two football players were shown. Coincidentally, both these players were black. Now everyone thinks they're not showing the white players as bad. I think this is a product of hypersensitivity more than anything. Everyone's worried about racism, so they invent it where it isn't. Had both players been white, nobody would be saying "they're not accurately representing the football team." In fact, in guessing the football team is 85% black, so the fact that they showed two pictures of black football players in a story about the football team isn't that surprising. Nonetheless, now everyone will go back to walking on eggshells for the next few months.

Work pulled another crazy ploy out of their ass the other day. They're planning on remodeling our entire office, and to do so they need everyone out. 3 days off for us, right? Well, not really. People are being forced to use personal time for the time they're out of the office. Well, I suppose that everyone could just not get paid for those days. But the timing of the thing is the worst part. It's Jan. 3-5, right after the holidays. People have already put in for their time off during the holidays, so they don't have a lot of extra days off to use. Plus, everyone will have just spent all their money on christmas shopping, so they can't really afford to not be getting paid. Just seems a bit ridiculous to me. Of course this doesn't affect me, because I'm one of the few select people who will be required to work out of a closet during the move. No big deal, I'd rather work than anything else. I can't afford to waste any days off right now, what with the wedding and stuff coming up this summer.

I guess that the Cubs are next in line to win the world series now....Red Sox snapped their 86 year "curse" and now the White Sox are going to win for the first time since 1917. By the way, curse is another word for "not as good as the teams that won." Although someone actually did put a curse on the Cubs. It's a fascinating story involving a goat. Look it up if you want. And the Angels did build their stadium on an indian burial ground, and then won nothing forever. But that ended, so I can't exactly blame the great spirits for keeping my team down anymore. I can just blame Doug Eddings.

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