Thursday, June 24, 2010

Summer Cleaning

*So glad the weather turned nicer.  Not because I enjoy it, but because I'm sick and tired of everyone talking about how awful it was.  Please note that a lot of these people are the same ones who love the fact that Oregon is so "green," completely ignoring the fact that it wouldn't be green without all that rain they despise.  That's not to say that I am immune to the charm's of an Oregon summer.  I looked so good outside, I tried to go for a 4 mile run on my lunch break.  To make a weather analogy, I felt like 75 and sunny, but in actuality I was about 45 with a steady rain and winds gusting up to 40 mph.  It was that bad.  I'll blame part of it on my new allergy problem.  I was OK with getting older, until I got allergies for the first time in my life this year.  Screw this weakening immune system or whatever is going on. 

*Took Jonah to the zoo on Sunday.  The threat of rain, plus the 9:30 am time made it feel like we were on our own private tour of the zoo.  Just an awesome experience, because a lot of the animals were more active than they are later in the day.  The dinosaur exhibit was awesome.  I thought it might be a little scary for Jonah, but he handled it pretty well.  Handled it better than the bird of prey show.  I thought he'd love seeing these big birds fly around, but I was unaware that these birds fly lower than Maverick in Top Gun. These birds were literally no more than six inches off the ground as they flew from perch to perch.  We were sitting close to one of the perches, and Jonah got almost nose to nose with a giant turkey vulture as it swooped within probably a foot of his face.  That was enough for him.  We had a bit of an issue with birds of any size for a few days after that, but he seems to be doing better now. 

*Despite my ongoing battle with DirecTv to get HD local channels in the Eugene area, I buckled and forked over another $99 (plus $5 a month) to get another box for our bedroom.  The deciding factor?  The World Cup.  These games are on too early on weekends to get out of bed and drag myself to the couch to watch.  To offset the cost of the box, I sold my Xbox 360.  As Rachel said, I "finally decided to grow up?"  It wasn't so much that, it's just that I really never had time to play anymore.  Most of video game time is now taken up playing Wii tennis with Jonah, or watching him try to mimic the yoga poses on Wii Fit, which is hilarious.  He's got the warrior pose down pretty good, but my favorite one to see him do is the cobra.  His cobra looks more like a posturing elephant seal, but he gets an A for effort.

*I'm still not used to conference calls in our board room where the people at the Portland Office sound like God because the audio sounds like it's THX Dolby 5.0.  Extremely creepy when one lady found a joke funnier than everyone else and laughed like a deranged super-villan.  I felt like I needed to immediately run to church and take a shower in holy water.  That's the appropriate response when you hear the Devil's laugh, right?

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