Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Day the Transformers Died

Every one of us grew up vowing to be "cooler" than our parents.  We were going to let our kids do things we weren't allowed to do, stay up late on special occasions, and basically be more of a friend than a parent.  It's crap.  You have to be a parent....otherwise, by the time your kid hits high school, you're hosting a party for 14 year olds that involve beer bongs and flip-cup. 

Take Jonah for instance.  One day he was adamant about watching Jurassic Park.  I was worried it would be too scary for him, but to my surprise, he loved it.  Laughed every time a dinosaur ate a guy.  I didn't think much of it because hey, he's two.  Plus, he's not going to run into any dinosaurs anytime soon, so there wasn't much fear of him translating Jurassic Park to real life.  I applied this same theory with Transformers.  I figured there weren't any giant talking robots around, so what's the harm?  Well, he started shooting fake Transformers all over our house.  Every appliance was a Transformer that needed to be "launched up."  We had outlawed the words "kill" and "shoot," but launching was acceptable, so long as he didn't launch people.  To his credit, Jonah was pretty good about abiding by these rules.  Again, a little concerning, but I felt we were communicating effectively with him and everything was good.

There were other warning signs too.  Jonah refused to go on a walk in the forest because "there were ghosts in there."  I realized later that he got this idea when we watched Robin Hood: Prince of Theives.

Then we let him watch Adventures in Babysitting. 

A movie that everyone of my generation grew up on.  We all remember the opening credits, the little girl's obsession with Thor, and the crazy adventure they go on.  What we didn't remember is the gang fight on the El Train, which involves some choice language and a knife.  So while I cringed when the now infamous line was uttered during the movie, I didn't expect what happened a few days later.  While Jonah and Rachel were at the toy store, Jonah grabbed a knife-like toy, turned, pointed it at Rachel and yelled "Don't f--- with the babysitter!"

Jonah is now not allowed to watch anything over PG, and we have to use extreme caution with anything not animated.  Even The Sandlot has a curse word or two.  Jonah will have lots of friends in his life, but he's only going to have two parents.  From now on, I'm going to try harder to be one.

Weight Loss Journal Day ????
I really should've written down the day I started this thing.  I could probably start back at one (If you started singing Brian McKnight in your head when you read that, give yourself a point) due to my lack of effort on this front. 

Weight Per Wii: 243.5 (- 5.5 lbs)
When I started this thing, I set an unofficial weight loss goal of 5 lbs a month.  I think I'm about two months in, and losing roughly 3 lbs/month.  Not bad for basically abstaining from exercise for a month.  I did try to eat more salads and we kind of got off of our habit of eating ice cream every night, so that might have contributed.

The Good:  After the 5k on Saturday, I got out there and ran a few miles again yesterday.
The Bad:  Those two miles felt like 10.  It felt like I was running on a sandy beach.
The Ugly: I thought about doing some pushups this morning, but I swear to you that my arms literally hurt just thinking about it.

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