Friday, October 20, 2006

The man in the bathroom

So we have a door inside the men's bathroom here. I always assumed it was a supply closet, where they kept plungers and other supplies that you don't want lying around your office. Turns out I was half right. It is a supply closet, but it also has a computer work station in it for the maintenance people. I found this out when I went to "use the facilities" today and saw a guy in there working on the computer. It's a closet, so there's no air circulation in there, so he's pretty much forced to leave the door open. Poor guy has to sit there and work within earshot of the crappers! He was talking on his cell phone while I was sitting on the can, and I could hear him clear as day. What kind of stories does that guy have when he goes home?

"Well honey, today I was right in the middle of printing off some invoices when this guy came in, and I don't know what he had for lunch, but it must've just gone right through him! The smell was atrocious! I would've shut the door, but then I would've be sweltered by the heat of my meager storage closet office!"

Guess they're always could be worse!

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