Wednesday, September 7, 2005

Priests and Panic Attacks

So we met with Father John last night...what a great guy.

He's like the most enthusiastic person ever. Everything has to be the best for him. He's all excited about the opportunity to marry us. I'll let him. It'll be a great ceremony.

He did give us the ol' speech on not living together and how the church frowns on it. He said that he just wanted to make sure that there was that specialness to our wedding that things would be different from that point on and that we wouldn't be returning to the "same ol' same ol'." I see his point, but I don't agree with it. There's no doubt in my mind that marrying Rachel will be the most important and exciting moment of my life. Although it was a bit disturbing when he said that we should live like "brother and sister" for the next year......

Scary thing of the day....hadn't heard from my friend Steve for about a week. Not normally a big deal, but when he just goes AWOL for a football game that I bought him a ticket to, you start to wonder. So I did what any friend would do when his buddy is not answering his cell phone......I googled him.

First thing that comes up "Stephen Cooney dies when he car slams into an embankment." No joke. I just about shit myself. Turns out that there's a surfer named Stephen Cooney in Hawaii. Feel bad for him, but very thankful that it wasn't "my" Steve.

My job is slowly sucking the life from me. It gets just a little more tedious every day. I'm almost positive that I'm going to have to go back to school here in the future...I can't work office jobs for the rest of my life....I'll end up with "office worker body." Think every secretary you've ever known. They always have more ass than seat cushion. No thanks. I'm close enough as it is.

OC Season 3 starts tomorrow.....who's with me?

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