Monday, September 5, 2005

Holy busy bee Batman!

I feel like I haven't sat down at the computer for a good ol type in months. Really I sit at a computer for at least 8 hours a day, but I don't type much. I use the ol' 10 number thingy over there on the right. A LOT. My new job pretty much blows. I'm the only male in Patient Financial Services......out of 140. Yup.......the male to female ration in my department is Andy:139. Ri-goddamn-diculous. And most of them are over the hill....and not just cresting the top if you know what I mean. The ones that are roughly my age are on their second marriages or supporting 3 kids or just plain crazy. My favorite are the late 20's/early 30's girls that have kids and are just a little too old to go clubbing but still think they can. Monday lunches are the best because they talk about dropping their kids off at their ex'es house before doing jell-o shots and dancing on the coffee tables. Yup, these are my co-workers.

Pretty much my job blows. But it's got full medical/vision/dental and pretty good time off packages. Plus they don't get pissed if I work a little overtime here and there. So I'll deal with it for now. Just mark my words that it's not permanent.

It's a good thing I'm marrying Rachel. I'm pretty sure that she'll have the entire wedding planned, booked, and ready to go by November. It's amazing. She's like a machine. I really don't have to do anything except find tuxes and make sure everyone shows up on time. That's a joke....I'm sure I'll help make invitations, or at least write the addresses on envelopes or something. It's really true that girls start planning this day on their sixth birthday.....she's already got a plan and all I have to do is help her implement it.

We meet with Father John from St. Mary's Catholic Church tomorrow to discuss the wedding. This should be interesting. I'm sure we're prime candidates for a Catholic marriage, what with me not being Catholic, us living together in sin and all that good stuff. Rachel really likes Father John though. He's a great speaker and very entertaining. Rumor has it he used to be a Broadway singer. Only thing that concerns me is that he's barely taller than Rachel. I'm going to be at an altar with 5'1 Rachel and 5'4 Father John? I'm going to look like Andre the Giant up there with those two. Thank goodness two of my groomsmen are going to be 6'5.

Football season is here now. I love football season. Every weekend is a holiday pretty much. Every gameday is an excuse to hang out with all your friends and bbq. If the game's on the road, find a big tv and get everyone together. It's like a bonding thing.

I never wrote an entry about Hurricane Katrina, though most nobody else did either. This has to be one of the most awful things that has ever happened in our country. I'm amazed that people are refusing to leave their homes though. I don't understand why you'd want to stay in a flooded house and just wait for people to come by every day and drop food at your front door. It's absolutely mind boggling.

I'm also a little irritated that everyone seems to think that this tragedy is being amplified by mismanagement. It's not like these people weren't told to evacuate. Granted some of them just didn't have the means to. But it's not like the gov't could've parked the buses by the superdome the day before the hurricane and had them ready to go as soon as the storm cleared. I've never tried, but I imagine trying to find enough food to feed 20,000 people, much less ship it and distribute it, takes a few days. Not to mention organizing manpower to get it into a city that's 80% underwater. And can you imagine what would've happened if they'd run down there with enough granola bars for 8,000 people? the 12,000 who didn't get anything would've gone absolutely crazy. There's no way to make a situation like this run smoothly. There's no way to minimize the damage. Nobody's intentionally neglecting people here. Nobody wants to be known as the guy who "let" 10,000 Americans die. Nobody's doing that. I fully believe that everyone is doing the best they can to deal with this. Well, everyone except the people roaming the streets of New Orleans looting and raping and shooting people. That's just sad......very sad.

Ok I'm done with that. I'm tired. Goodnight y'all. Have a good short week.

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