Monday, March 12, 2012

Dr. Seuss Made me Cry

Look at that face!

If there's one thing I hate about being a parent, it's that it has made hyper-emotional.  Maybe it's the fact that our daughter likes to grunt until someone pulls her out of her crib at two-thirty in the morning, then proceeds to crawl all around our bed and make fun sounds with her mouth until four on a semi-regularly basis.  Maybe it's the fact that I realize that I am (along with my wife) solely responsible for the well-being of two humans, despite barely being responsible for myself.  As Rachel said to me in grocery store on Saturday "we're both smart, but we're smart in different ways.  Making decisions just happens to be one of those area's that you're not very smart in."  She's right.  I'm a horrible decision maker. 

Whatever it is, my emotions are very unstable, like the unstable nitroglycerin MacGyver always used to find on his adventures.  Last night we decided to go see the 7:00 showing of The Lorax at the Albany Cinemas.  We decided this at 6:50 pm, with both the kids in their pajamas already.  Jonah was super excited to go see a movie in his Spiderman jams.  We crammed into the car and dashed across town like Steve McQueen.  On the way, I cautioned Jonah that he needed to be quiet and stay in his seat or we wouldn't be taking him to see The Avengers in a few months.  We had a rough go at our last two movies with Jonah (Cars 2 and Arthur Christmas, respectively.)  I could've been because those movies just weren't that good, or maybe he was just at that age where sitting still isn't an option.  In any event, he was sufficiently warned that this was his last chance to prove to us that he was mature enough to handle going to a "big kid" movie.  And he passed with flying colors.

I should also mention that The Lorax is a fantastic movie.  I was very impressed with it.  I haven't been a big fan of children's books turned into movies (I'm looking at you, Where the Wild Things Are), but I liked the way this one was done.  Jonah must have too, because he sat bolt upright the entire movie, taking it all in.  At one point, he got thirsty, so we had a mad sprint to the drinking fountain in the lobby and back because he didn't want to miss too much.  At the end, when (and I hope I'm not spoiling this for anyone) the trees are saved from extinction and the credits rolled, they started playing a song, and Jonah begins to nod his head and dance along with the song.  However, he wasn't content to be dancing by himself, so he exhorted Rachel and myself to join in with him dancing.  So there we were, dancing in the theater to the credits of The Lorax, and I just lost it.  Seeing Jonah so happy...I just started crying.  I was a mess.  I couldn't (and still can't) figure out what I did to deserve such an amazing family. 

Like Rachel said, I'm terrible at making decisions, but someway, somehow, I made a couple right ones along the way to end up with Rachel, Jonah, and Jocelyn.

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