Saturday, October 25, 2008

Crazy Vampire Love

So a coworker of mine has been talking about this book she's reading that has just consumed her life. She reads it while walking home from work. If that's not dangerous, I don't know what is. She brings this book into nearly every conversation we have.'s book one of the "Twilight" series.

It seems that roughly 90% of the females I know are either currently reading or have read these books. Those that haven't read them have undoubtedly been strongly urged to by their female brethren.

This is a dangerous thing for the males of this country. The words I hear to describe the relationships in this book are "intense, passionate, epic....etc." These are the kind of love stories that make women stop and think "I want that in my life. Why isn't my relationship more like that?"

Because your boyfriend/husband isn't a vampire. That's why. To all you single girls out there.....stop waiting for a vampire to say "I love you so much, I won't suck the blood out of your body and make you eternal." I agree, that is a very noble and lovely gesture. But it's a fictional book about vampires!

Generally, girls are more emotionally attached to things. Not all of them, but in my experience, most are. They see an old man and woman holding hands and they get misty eyed. The are visibly upset that Jim and Pam are having issues on The Office. A co-worker gets a new job, and you can start the water works. Same goes for books. A guy can read Twilight, get that's it's a good story and move on. Girls get so attached to the characters that they actually have feelings for them as if they were real people. I'm not saying it's your fault ladies. I think it's just a societal thing. That's who you are.

The best analogy I can think of for guys is porn. If a guy watches a porn movie, I don't think he expects his girlfriend to all of a sudden start wearing shirts 3 sizes too small and start sucking on candy canes all the time. It's understood that it's strictly entertainment. Maybe porn wasn't the best analogy. Action movies are the same thing......a guy doesn't come out of a James Bond movie thinking everyone is a double agent and that there's an explosion waiting around every corner, yet girls think that one true love just might be at the next booth in Starbucks. Sure it's possible, but so's getting struck by lightning, or winning the lottery, or getting caught in some international espionage caper.

I might read this book. I do want to see what all the fuss is about. If I come out of reading the book thinking it's the best book I've ever read and find myself re-evaluating my relationship with Rachel. I promise that I will apologize to every single female that reads this blog.

Just don't hold your breath.

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