Wednesday, June 11, 2008

More lunch angst

The hits never stop coming here in Corvallis.

As a thank you for our hard work and exemplary behavior during the trustee meetings last week, the Foundation sprung for pizza for the entire office for lunch today. Great right?

Oh, you are so wrong.

We have some sort of agreement with American Dream so they supply pizza to all our lunches in which pizza is the food of choice. Nothing wrong with that, I love American Dream pizza. For those of you who don't know the Dream, it's very popular here in Corvallis with the hippy/liberal segment of the population. I guess it's popular with everyone, but they definitely cater to that demographic. Obama's decision to eat lunch there when he cruised through town was no coincidence.

Anyways, whenever we order pizza from this place, whomever does the ordering feels the need to be trendy. We ordered 18 pizzas today, not one of which was pepperoni. None were cheese pizzas, none were hawaiian. There were some with pepperoni on them, but they also had artichokes, olives, and feta cheese.

I realize that there are people who enjoy pizza with roma tomoatoes, kalamata olives, artichoke, and roasted eggplant on them. But you'd think that they'd realize that in an office of nearly 100 people, there's a few that like traditional pizza. They'd throw us a bone and one of the 18 would not have gorgonzola or smoked gouda.

I don't think I can explain how frustrating this is to me. I realize I'm complaining about a free lunch, but c'mon. Do you even know what "fresh arugula" is? I don't. I don't want it on my pizza. I want ham and pineapple. I want pepperoni and sausage. I'll even concede for some garlic chicken.


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