Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Blog slacking

My rate of posting has gone down dramatically lately. Does it have anything to do with having a child? Probably. Does it have more to do with me just not really wanting to do it? Most likely. However, I've noticed that I'm less than 500 views from 10,000 on this here bloggy, so I'm hopping back on the saddle. I've got a purpose again.

Being the parent is all about milestones. You're always looking forward to the next rung on the ladder. First you wait for them to start babbling. As soon as they start babbling, you look forward to them rolling over from their stomach to their back. After that, you eagerly await their first back to front flip. Then it's sitting up on their own. That's where we are now. Jonah's mastered all of the previous steps (along with turing himself 90 degrees in his sleep so that his legs stick out between the slats in his crib and blowing snot bubbles the size of small water balloons) so now we wait for him crawl. This is a scary one, because soon he'll be mobile. Gone will be the days of setting him in the middle of the living room and running to the bathroom. We have to baby-proof everything. That bottle of Dran-o under the sink is about to become a level orange threat. But of course it will also be exciting because then we're looking forward to the walking/talking phase of our little man's life.

If I had to grade my parenting skills thus far, I'd give myself a solid B-. I haven't made any major mistakes (dropping the kid, putting vodka in his bottle, letting him lay out in the sun on a 90 degree day). I'm not ready to give myself a gold medal either. Today I put Jonah in his jammies before Rachel got home, thinking she'd be impressed that I got him fed, changed and in bed before 7:30. She was impressed....impressed that I put him in the jammies he peed all over the night before. Like I said....solid B-.

In other news, given the dearth of quality tv on during the summer, I've been catching up on some old movies. O Brother Where Art Thou just jumped into my top 5 favorite movies. George Clooney is fantastic in that movie. He also jumped into my top 5 guys I'd like to be, along with LeBron James, Will Smith, Usain Bolt (c'mon, like you wouldn't like to run 100 meters in 9.72 seconds) and Jared from Subway. That guy made millions eating sandwiches. Think about it.

Other movies I'd recommend are Secondhand Lions, The Towering Inferno, Angels in the Outfield (the original 1951 version) and Field of Dreams....still my favorite movie of all time. While we were in Wisconsin, we took a trip to visit the field, which is still standing in Iowa. I'd recommend going in late August or September, when there's actually corn. The field isn't the same with no corn fence. Still very very cool though.

If I'm ever wrongly convicted of murder and sentenced to death, my last meal will be hawaiian pizza and a 12 pack of Pepsi. Let's hope this never happens.

Today was the first time in my life that I've ever worried about gas prices. Seriously. Never affected me at all until today. I paid over $50 to fill up my tank today. Then Rachel brought up the point that I'm driving to Antelope, OR this weekend, we're driving to Portland next weekend, she's driving back to Portland that Tuesday to pick up her mom at the airport, we have a wedding in Portland the weekend after that, we have to take her mom back to the Airport, and then we're driving to the airport ourselves on July 3rd to fly to San Francisco. Add in driving to work and the fact that gas will probably increase between now and July 4th and I'm guessing we'll spend almost $500 in gas in the next month. That's close to double what we normally spend.

Speaking of oil, someone needs to explain something to me - people always get pissed that we're in this war that's all about oil. Yet these same people are pissed about the price of oil in this country. If we're fighting to gain control of the oil, doesn't it stand to reason that we'd pay less for it? I am by no means a market analyst, but that makes sense to me. *Disclaimer* I'm not supporting the idea of invading countries to get natural resources we don't have in this country. Please don't think I'm a war monger. I'm not. Just giving you all something to think about.

I don't think it matters one bit what McCain and Obama say in their upcoming debates. How they say it is going to determine the presidency. And how Obama says what he says is going to make him the next president. He could say he's in favor of increasing taxes, euthanizing the unemployed, and deporting left-handers and he'd still get elected. By the time he's done speaking, you'd be saying "you know, that Obama feller has a point about leftys. I never did have a good feeling about them."

Yes, I know Barry's a lefty. So's McCain. I'm just sayin'.

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