Thursday, May 7, 2009

Think people!

Most days I really have no problem with my job. My job asks very little of me, and as a result I live a very stress free existence. Sure my days are filled with minor annoyances like any other job, but for the most part, I just kind of keep to my cube, get my work done, and surf the 'net.

However, today I was verbally abused by a lady who thought I had screwed up, when, in fact, it was her own mistake. I was so taken aback by her anger that I didn't really even acknowledge it to her face. I kept thinking she was joking.

So here's the story. This lady brings over a cash deposit from the university. Part of my job duties are to receipt any cash that comes to the building. She has two checks for $10 each, and $100 in cash. Her deposit form says there is $110 total, but it's unclear if that's the cash total or the overall total. So here's the conversaton

Me: There's only $100 here
Her: Yeah and?
Me: Your form says $110
Her: Well maybe you should add the checks then.
(I can't state how angrily and holier than thou she was when making this statement. It was as if she thought I had no clue how to count.)
Me: Well the checks are $10 each, so that would bring the total to $120, which still doesn't equal $110
Her: Well where's the error then?
(This was almost said as a challenge.....along the lines of "I dare you to show me how I screwed up")
Me: I don't know, you made up the form.
Her: Well, someone's missing and I don't know who it is.
Me: Neither do I.
Her: So you're telling me that I have to take this whole deposit back to my office, then bring it all the way back over here?
Me: Or you could leave the deposit here and email me the name of who the $10 belongs to so I can receipt them.
(I'm not sure where she got that I told her to do anything. People are always annoyed that they have to bring currency to the foundation...they'd much rather stick it in the mail. Which is fine if it's your own personal can trust the campus mail people. But when it's a donor's money.....I think you better make sure it gets where it needs to go. At any rate, her mood did a 180 at this point)
Her: Alright, thanks for your help! Sorry about the mix-up!
Me: No problem, have a good evening.

I mean seriously....before you start going off on someone, shouldn't be 100% sure that they made the mistake? I learned this lesson a long time ago, when I challenged a Carl's Jr. employee as to why he kept serving the people behind me and not calling my order. It was at that point that he explained to me that my order included onion rings, which were still cooking. I'm pretty sure my burger was spit on that day.

Anyways, it was a perfectly horrible way to end my work day, and now I'm all fired up and feel like I need to go Randy "Macho Man" Savage on someone and drop a flying elbow right in their solar plexus. Instead I think I'll just go for a jog when I get home.

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