Thursday, September 17, 2009

Welcome to facebook, mom?

My mom just joined Facebook. I can't decide if this makes me feel young or old. My initial reaction was "oh crap, I'm going to have to censor myself, and she's going to be able to keep tabs on me!" Then I remembered that I'm 30 freaking years old. Plus, just to let you in on a little secret, my mom swears too. Not very often, but every once in a while she'll let an expletive fly. Usually for something really insignificant, like burning the bag of popcorn in the microwave or something. She gets a speeding ticket and usually all it will elicit is a "shucks" or "darn."

Having not talked to mom yet about Facebook, I'm not sure what her intentions are. Is she using it to keep in touch with her kids? Is it a way to reconnect with old college buddies she hasn't seen in years? Is she using it to gather intel on an enemy or former acquaintance with whom she had a falling out? All of these questions will be answered.

Truth be told, this post is kind of a test for you, Mom. Are you Facebook savvy enough to find this note? Can you comment on it, or am I going to get a phone call (more likely a text message, her preferred means of communication since being Blackberried) asking me how to tag someone in a photo, or what it means to "like" something someone said? Are you going to ask me why you would poke someone?

Actually feel free to ask me that. I have no clue why you'd ever poke anyone. I've never been poked, nor done any poking. Has anyone? Is this something that 15 year old guys do to girls they like? Is it something you do to the person next to you when you're both on your mobile devices? I don't know. I don't care. It seems stupid to me. Anyways.....

Welcome to Facebook, Mom. I hope you find it as entertaining and informative as I do. Here's a few tips though:

Applications are largely a waste of time. Quizzes such as "which Friends character are you?" aren't really that insightful, nor are they accurate. Plus none of writers of these quizzes know how to spell, which makes me think they are some sort of scam.

Feel free to comment on anything on my page, but don't "like" everything. If you like the fact that I post something about Jonah saying his first complete sentence, it will be cheapened if you like that I post that I'm bored at work. I'm just sayin...

If you want to post old family photos, that's fine, but show a little restraint. Facebook is not the first girl I brought to the house back in high school - you don't need to break out the pic of me wearing a cowboy hat and nothing else on the rocking horse. Pictures of Grant like that are fine, however.

Perhaps the most important rule of social networking....don't post cryptic status updates. Don't say things like "Louise hopes everything turns out ok...." or "waiting for the answer to a big question." Fishing for comments is my biggest pet peeve on the social networking circuit, as well as just about everyone else.

You can still call. Don't let this be the only way you communicate.

No, Jonah doesn't have a facebook page.

That's about it. Happy facebooking, Mom!

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