Monday, November 7, 2005

Well that's a weekend I won't soon forget

So the weekend is over. I was so exhausted I almost overslept and missed work today. But I woke up just in time, and everything's peachy keen. Speaking of work, I just applied for a new job at OSU, so we'll see if that goes anywhere.

Now back to the weekend.

Friday night I spent 4 hours in the emergency room.

With chest pain and a tingly left arm.

Yup. You read that right.

Fortunately nothing seems to be too seriously wrong. I've been having a problem with my shoulder/pectoral area for about a week or so, but Friday night when I was trying to go to bed it was an entirely different feeling. Then my left hand got cold and my arm started kinda tingling. So I figured I better get it checked out. They drew some blood and did a test that rules out blood clots. It didn't rule them out. so I got a CT scan. That was interesting. Apparently they found some little abnormality, and my potassium levels were a little low but nothing too serious. By the time we left I was feeling much better and the pain had subsided. So a big scare turned out to be a little deal, I think. Major props to Steve for sticking it out with me at the ER. We were there til almost 6 am, and he had to coach soccer at 9. Trooper I tell you.

Saturday was the UW-OSU game. One of the most miserable games I've ever been to. It couldn't have been much above 40 degrees, there was a driving rain the entire game, and the wind whipping off Lake Washington ensured that not a single person was having fun. Yet we stuck it out til the bitter end, watching an 18-10 slugfest that featured maybe three plays that you could consider "highlights." Washington is legitimately awful. We're not much better, but we're good enough to win when our passing attack is grounded by the elements.

Alrighty, well I'm going to slip into some PJ's and get some hot cocoa. I'm not sure when it decided to become winter. I missed the transition between fall and winter, but it is butt ass cold.

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