Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Trip to the Dentist

The other day I had my semi-annual checkup at the dentist. About two years ago, I decided it was time to actually see a dentist after avoiding one for much of my twenties. So I started going, and I loved it! The hygenists were great, very friendly and not judgemental of the fact that I don't floss or do anything other than brush my teeth really. The dentist isn't like any dentist I've ever had. He looks less like a dentist than he does the lead singer for a hard rock band. It's a great time there.

Well a few months back, I went to Vegas. My first night there, I find myself at McDonalds at 3 in the morning. Who should walk up behind me and grab my elbow but Mr. Hard Rock himself. "As it was 3 AM and I was a little foggy, I said the first thing that popped into my head: "Dude, you're my dentist!"

"You dang right I am! Hey, you never saw me here alright? What happens in Vegas stays here, ok? Bet you never thought you'd run into your dentist stoned at 3 am at a McDonalds!"

Umm.....I'm still not sure if he was talking about me being stoned or him, but it was a little awkward. The next night at the football game I feel a familiar tug at my elbow..."remember dude, you never saw me!" This would be easier of course, if he stopped ambushing me everywhere I went. This again happened the next week at a home game against Cincinnati.

Needless to say, I was seeing my dentist in a whole new light. So I was more than a little excited for my dental appointment this week. Would he acknowledge the meetings we'd had, or would he go the professional route and pretend it never happened? Perhaps he'd give me a knowing head bob and a discreet fist bump.

As I sit in the chair bubbling over with anticipation, I'm met by the silent hygenist. I didn't know these existed. I thought it was a job requirement for a hygenist to be overly friendly and chatty. After all, they have to keep up both sides of the conversation because you have sharp metal objects in your mouth. This lady said not one word the entire time she was cleaning my teeth. I had to entertain myself by watching a spider work on a web in the corner of the room. She gets done, and she says "you had A LOT of plaque. You're going to feel like you got punched in the mouth this afternoon. I'll go get the doctor." A few moments later she returns to try and pitch me on some overpriced electric toothbrush. I'm absolutely sure that it's required of her to peddle this toothbrush. Otherwise, she'd have said nothing.

Finally, the Doc arrives! The conversation when like this:

Doc: Andy my man, how are you? Wasn't that Stanford game awesome?! Great day, team played awesome....just great man.
Me: Yep...hope they play like that this weekend.
Doc (To hygenist): I know what happens in Vegas is supposed to stay there, but you know who I ran into at McDonalds at 3am? Andy! Crazy right?"
Hygenist: Crazy! (then she laughed awkwardly and left)
Doc: Dang right!

He then poked 3 of my teeth, takes off his gloves and says "You look great man...see you in six months!" and left.

Really? Did that just happen?

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